Tonight someone posed an interesting question (granted it had nothing to do with my situation, but it does apply). The question was "What are you waiting for?" This has been my life of the last several months. I have been waiting for something. I have been waiting for Monday before I get back to the journey. I have been waiting for Mr. Right to come along before I really start taking the journey seriously. I have been waiting for Fawn to come back and kick my butt or someone else to tell me that I look like I have been gaining wait. I have been waiting until I get back from vacation. You get the picture? I have been waiting, but why have I been waiting? All I am really guaranteed is today, this moment, this breath.
I can remember a time when I was really happy. I was really happy with the way I looked, the way I felt and the way my clothes felt. That ended in about April!!! It also happens to be about the time that I stopped really working the journey. I have been trying to get back up but for some reason I have been finding myself struggling. The bottom line is I just need to stop waiting for tomorrow, a miracle or something better to come along and do it. This is it. This is my chance. This is the prayer that has been answered so now it is my chance to act on it. So, what am I waiting for? Nothing anymore!
Amen!!!!! Carolyn