Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Harder then I thought...

So there is a chance that the holidays are going to be harder then I thought.  Today, as I was doing more cooking with my mom (one of my favorite things) I realized that I was missing also eating and tasting everything.  So, I am just really looking forward to Thursday when I get to have small portions of everything like Fawn and I talked about.  However, in the meantime I am starting to think ahead about the things I am gonna miss like the Egg Nog.  I  know this is like the most disgusting and fattening thing in the world, but my family always has a cup while lighting the tree.  I think I miss the smell of it more then anything.  Same goes with cookies, I keep really wanting to bake cookies, but I feel like if I bake them right now I am just going to eat them!  So, maybe no baking right now.  I get why the holidays are so hard for people to eat healthy.  I never really got, but I guess that was because I just always NEVER ate healthy during the holidays.  I was always of the mind that the diet could start January 1st.  NOT THIS YEAR!  NO DIETS FOR ME!


  1. Great Job Lauren! You are doing good and your mindset is really uplifting! You are doing it girl-keep rockin it out!

  2. I'm so proud that your going healthy -- once you loose more and get to the gym those endorphins will kick in and I believe help regulate your wants. Have a great Thanksgiving.
